Thursday, January 15, 2009

January Expansion Images!

A lot has been done since the last time we posted images. We're nearly finished! (still have to landscape as the weather permits, signage, etc.)

Currently working on: carpet, touch-up painting after drywall touch-ups, mirrors & shelving, window blinds, interior signage & decor, parking lot lighting, and still trying to finish the sewer project.

After posting these, I realize that we didn't have a good image of the entry chandelier. Here is the stock's beautiful..about 2 feet wide and 18" tall..I believe.

To say we are chomping at the bits to get moved into this building is an understatement. We have been out of chairs the last two Sundays..we need to be in our new space so badly. Your prayers for us are greatly appreciated! Click here to view the complete set. Hope you enjoy these!

We also uploaded some images of the favorite
scriptures and prayers of CHOSEN and church members. They were written on the concrete foundation and on the platform and altar area before the carpet was laid. Take a few moments to read will be blessed!